Willamette St. draft design concept skips bike lanes.
A Willamette St. redesign from 24th Ave. to 29th Ave. is underway and moving in a disturbing direction. State of Oregon and Eugene transportation plans call for substantial increases in the use of non-motorized vehicles, yet the current Willamette St. draft design plan calls for the same old four lanes of auto traffic with bicycles left to use sidewalks and the existing perimeter routes.
At Arriving By Bike we envision a future with convenient, direct bicycle access ‘to’ businesses along Willamette St. and we believe you want that also. It’s important to speak up now. Don’t be dis- suaded by talk of ‘changes’ later, it’s imperative that the design concept plan include bicycling on Willamette St.
Contact: patricia.thomas@ci.eugene.or.us • www.eugene-or.gov/SWillamette • 541-682-5561