Eugene Bike Groups

Eugene is a hotbed of bike commuting, advocacy, culture, programs, organizations, and rides. Get out and enjoy the town!

We Bike Eugene

Checkout this site for current Eugene biking events and news. Community created and updated, it’s the place to go for information.

Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School assists with bike safety education in local schools. Safe Routes to School coordinators also advocate for policies and infrastructure changes that create better walking and biking environments for kids.

Eugene Business Commute Challenge

This yearly commute challenge is a great way to challenge yourself to use other modes of transportation to get to work, and to win prizes while doing it.

University of Oregon LiveMove

LiveMove is a student active transportation group at the University of Oregon. Their popular speaker series brings transportation related speakers to Eugene every year.


Greater Area Eugene Riders focuses on both recreation biking and bike advocacy and education. Visit their website to learn more.

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